

The Maghs build their houses on high platforms’ about six to eight feet above the groumd so that their houses do not become damp .The reason to build houses on high platforms is also to protect them from the different types of insects and animals. Moreover they can use the empty space below their houses to keep things such as agricultural tools and looms. Timber or bamboo posts support the platforms.   The walls are made of bamboo slates and the roof is thatched. The main food of the ‘Marmas’ and ‘Rakhaines ‘ is boiled rice with vegetables. A kind of soup made from boiled green leaves seasoned with chillies  and salt is one of  their most favourite items. Another popular food item is tender bamboo shoots The shoots are first cut into small pieces and then dried in the sun. Different types of foods are them prepared  from these. The bamboo shoots are also eaten in a different way. At first the shoots are crushed and then put inside a bamboo tube and kept for eight to ten days till fermentation takes place. The Maghs have two major meals a day one in the early morning and the other before sunset. On festival they prepare different types of cakes using rice,flour,coconut,sugar milk anb other ingredients. The most popular of all is sticky rice. They haves many different different foods.

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