
The Statue of Libertyue (New York)

The Statue of Liberty,originally called Liberty E nlightening the World is a statue on Liberty Island,formerly Bedloe’s Island, in the harbor of New York.The statue symbolizes liberty in the from of a woman wearing flowing robes and a spiked crown.She holds a torch aloft in har right hand and carries in har left hand a book inscribed “July 4,1776”.broken chains,symbolizing the overthrow of tyranny, lie at her feet.The statue was designed by the French sculptor Frederic Bartholdi and was given by France to the. United States to commemorate the centennial of US independence in 1876.France raised funds by popular subscription to pay for the statue;US donors financed the pedestal and installation of the monument.President Grover  Cleveland dedicated the work on October 28,1886.The statu,the island,and nearby Ellis Island were declared a national monument in 1924.The statue formet of coper sheets riveted to an iron framework, is one of the largest in the  world.It measures 93.5m(306 ft 8 in) from the bottom of the pedestal to the tip of the torch. The figure itself is 46.4m (152ft 2 in)hight; the right arm is 12.8 m(42ft)long; the hand is5.03 m(16ft 5 in)long; and the head,which is reachable staircase or emergency lift, measures 8.5 m (28ft) from neck to diadem and 3.05           m (10ft) from ear to ea.The statue weighs 254 tonnes (250 tons).Originally conceived as a gesture of international friendship,the statue has become aglobal symbol of  freedom,marking the arrival of millions of  immigrants to the United States.                                                                                                                                                                      

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